Community Shed

Community Shed welcomes diversity
The Hunter Multicultural Communities’ Community Shed is a welcoming and inclusive space for people of all backgrounds to gather, socialise and participate in shared interests.
The Community Shed programs include veterans, women’s and men’s shed activities, youth and school mentoring and IT support programs as well as opportunities for people with disabilities.
The Community Shed’s purpose is to promote health, wellness and social cohesion amongst all of our communities and to encourage a culturally diverse and enriched environment.
We particularly encourage people from diverse backgrounds to join and engage with not only the Community Shed, but all programs Hunter Multicultural Communities offers across the wider Hunter, Central Coast and Port Stephens regions.
Safety a Priority
Safety is the major priority for the HMC Community Shed, and we encourage all members to be familiar with the Shed’s comprehensive Health and Safety procedures, and operating procedures for each piece of equipment.
- Users must be assessed as competent to use tools and equipment before use
- Users must be familiar with where the first aid equipment is kept, and Evacuation Procedures
- Users must keep the Shed facilities and work areas in a clean and orderly condition at all times.
Who Can Join?
Membership is open to individuals, agencies or organisations.
Membership starts by completing a HMC Volunteer Form which must be lodged with the HMC Office for processing and approval. If approval is granted, the nominee will be requested to pay a membership fee. An application form is available from HMC office.
What's Next?
Once you are a member we will introduce you to the HMC Community Centre facilities including the Community Shed and Community Garden.
When your membership application has been processed and accepted, members will be asked to register personal details, medical conditions, and will complete an induction and orientation session. This will ensure your health and safety is properly considered when you are in the Shed.
You will also be given an information pack with full details of the Community Shed’s policies and procedures, and the expectations of members.